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The 2 Decisions to Move Your 2024 Goals From Impossible to Inevitable

Yes. I know: Everyone wants to achieve their goals and dreams.

AND it's in our nature to seek paths that feel easy, comfortable, or familiar.

But, as Henry Ford wisely said, "If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got."

Sadly, by this date, many settle and just try not to be sad.

Therefore, as you may already know, most have already given up on their New Year's goals and resolutions. So, if that’s you (or you feel like quitting), you’re not alone.

But what if 2024 is different? Could this be your year?

Alright, how, Jeff?

I’m not going to kid you here; reaching goals can feel really hard. And most don’t even like the word. They feel maybe impossible or even requiring a miracle.

But as Saint Augustine said in the 4th Century, "Miracles are not contrary to nature but only contrary to what we know about nature."

So, yes, it may feel like setting a goal you care about AND then actually achieving that goal may feel like or even require a miracle, but let me ask you this, “Is the change you really want possible?”

What is possible?

Possible = “within the scope of one’s abilities or capacity… something achievable and may happen under certain circumstances.”

That’s why I believe in and coach others on setting the right goals and helping them set and achieve goals.

Most dream of achieving things, but they haven’t YET had the “certain circumstances” in place to turn the desire into reality. Actually, they haven’t put their part of the circumstance into place.

So they become skeptical of their own potential, assume progress and breakthrough only happen for certain lucky or super-gifted ones.

Okay, consider a goal or desire you have for 2024. How’s it going? 1 to 10?

What if you looked that goal or desire square in the eye and did these 2 “miracle” things" to move your 2024 goals from seeming impossible to inevitable?

1. Actively override fear and self-doubt and instead CHOOSE FAITH.

Yes, choose to intentionally leave behind your old ways of thinking and develop new ways to see yourself and your life from the vantage point of the One who created you.

Yes, your mindset has been messed with and even messed up along your lonely road to now. You’ve wondered, “Who the heck am I?” and “Am I really smart enough to make this happen?” “Am I just too plain lazy?” “What if I don’t have the background.”

And, when you really think about it, you know that’s all bull#%@ and you know it.

Deep down you know you have limitless potential and possess a brain, body, and being. Not to mention, if you have faith in One who invites you to trust, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me…” to live the life you’re meant for.

Your mindset matters. And your faith invites you to a new paradigm of possibility and instead says “You are exactly who you’re supposed to be with exactly the right born exactly for such a time as this.”

So of course! Quit thinking others have more than you. You have what it takes! God doesn’t make no junk. Every day, choose faith to believe you can AND will achieve the goal you set.

2. Don’t just reach your goal but BECOME THE KIND OF PERSON WHO REACHES THAT GOAL.

This one makes all the difference! Each day, you become the kind of person who lives into your dream or achieves an outcome that matters to you. It consciously connects your being to your doing.

  • “I am an overcomer who grows a 9-figure business.”

  • “I am a lover who builds an intimate marriage.”

  • “I am the level of coach who coaches S&P Company CEOs.”

  • “I am the kind of politician who people love to vote for.”

  • “I am the type of writer who writes 2 pages each morning.”

So, not just prove yourself… INSTEAD IMPROVE YOURSELF.

Yes, your goal must be desirable before it gets to this level. But what would it mean for you to become the kind of person who in 2024 succeeded in your truest goals?

And because getting in a contagious environment with others committed to setting AND achieving goals can make all the difference,

I am hosting and leading a one-day live-in-person “Annual Goal Retreat in Arvada, CO, in February!

Do you want to be there? Maybe more importantly, do you need to be there??

With you and for you,


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