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The Most Missed Key to Happy Marriage

Marriage is hard. Not gonna lie. AND having served as a pastor for a decade and officiated more than 100 weddings, I always like to ask couples a key question the first time we meet:

Why are you getting married?

Couples usually break into big smiles and say things like, "I can't live without her!" "We have a blast together!" "We’re sooo in love!" And of course, "She's my soulmate!"

All great reasons for wanting to spend "forever" with someone, right?

But here’s the thing: according to recent stats from author Dana Adam Shapiro, only 17% of married couples say they’re "happy" years into marriage.

Let that sink in—83% of couples aren’t happy. Should we just accept that as “the way it is”?

Or could we be missing something? Something that's actually the key to a lasting, happy marriage?

Does the Bible have anything to say about this?

Here’s what I believe now, after all my years of experience: Truly happy couples have a purpose for their marriage that’s bigger than themselves. They have a mission—together—that goes beyond just being in love.

Let’s take a look at the foundation of marriage in Genesis 1, 2, and 3. When God created man and woman, He made them in His own image and gave them a mission:

“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky...” (Genesis 1:28)

In other words, marriage is about purpose—a purpose bigger than the two of you. You’re here to not just survive but thrive and make a difference, together.

In Genesis 2, we see that man is working the garden—alone—and God says it’s not good for him to be alone. So, He creates a "helper"—someone who completes him. What we often forget is that this “helper” isn’t inferior, but a co-laborer, a partner in the work God has given them.

So, let me ask you—is it true that the happiest, most fulfilled couples have a mission together that's bigger than just “being in love” or “crazy about each other”?

Do they have a purpose together that includes them but goes beyond them?

The Most Significant Thing You Can Do

If this is true, the most significant thing you can do to build an incredible marriage is to be proactive about discovering the mission for your marriage.

Whether you’re preparing for marriage, in the middle of it, or struggling through it, finding that bigger purpose—and living it out—can change everything.

OK, so how?

I have designed a complimentary "Winning Play Blueprint for Your Marriage" session for you or you and your spouse.

Here's the LINK to apply for one.... complimentary this week! -

Here's what a couple who said, "The questions Jeff posed created the conversation for what was possibly THE BEST DATE WE'VE EVER HAD! We really encourage you to give this a try!" (Robert and Christie Kostelny)

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TheLeader.Coach Jeff Caliguire     2024 | By Shine

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